Thursday, March 18, 2010

GM US Junior World Golf Championship

Swing Reminders Golf Tip Tokens sponsoring the
GM US Junior World Golf Championship, July 18 - 21, 2010 at Providence Golf Club in Orlando, Florida.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Tucson Guide Interview

Check out my interview in this Spring's Tucson Guide online
Pretty cool stuff...

Weekly Swing Reminder - One Piece Take Away

Do you get wristy or handsy with your swing? Does the club feel like a whippy fishing rod when you take it back? The key is to have a one piece take away. Which means don’t break your wrists on your take away. Keep your left hand/wrist firm and push the club back using your left (right hand golfers) hand. The right hand is just hanging on. It shouldn't take control of the club. Take this to the range and try it. I bet you will hit more consistent golf shots. Have a great golf week.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Weekly Swing Reminder - Tuck Your Right Elbow

Do you have the old flying elbow or chicken wing?
I have had it for years and years. I've tried
to change my swing to a more rounded and not so
upright swing. It is not easy to do. But, my
buddy Rod finally got me to try it again and it's
starting to work. I feel like my swing is way
more consistent and I'm hitting some really nice
golf shots. Here is how it works -
Keep your right elbow as close to your right side
as possible. The better you turn your body, the easier it is to keep your right elbow tucked. When you take the club straight back and then hinge your wrist, your right elbow will tuck right against your side. This will take some time and alot of effort. Believe me, I'm hitting the range almost daily to work on it. But, it will get your swing more consistent and you will hit better golf shots.

Spring is just around the corner, time to get ready for the golf season.
Get out there and practice, play and enjoy this great game.